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DESCRIPTION Castrol Alphasyn PG synthetic gear oils are based upon highly stable polyglycol base fluids, the properties of which are further enhanced by a complex additive system giving improvements in load carrying capacity, oxidation and thermal stability, allowing operation at high loads and continuous high temperatures. APPLICATION Alphasyn PG gear oils are primarily intended for use in worm reduction gear boxes, where the low coefficient of friction of the polyglycol base fluid gives improvements in efficiency and consequent reductions in power consumption and operating temperatures, particularly when operating at high loads. The stability of the synthetic base when compared to mineral oil also allows increased maintenance intervals and fluid life, reducing servicing costs.
发布人: 上海派奇奥工贸有限公司
工业润滑油 市场分析 嘉实多 3


Description The Castrol AlphasynTM EP gear oil range of high quality synthetic lubricants are based on poly- alphaolefin (PAO) fluids and sulphur/phosphorus Extreme Pressure (EP) additive technology providing good thermal stability and high load carrying capacity. Application The Alphasyn EP range have been formulated for use in all types of enclosed gears including heavy and shock-loaded gears and bearings where EP properties are required. They are suitable for use in gear boxes where micro-pitting resistance is required and for a wide range of applications in extreme environments, for example mining and quarrying, marine applications and paper production.
发布人: 上海派奇奥工贸有限公司
工业润滑油 市场分析 嘉实多 3
SMR MEDIUM SMR HEAVY CLEAR ASMR MEDIUM* Description The Castrol AlphasynTM EP gear oil range of high quality synthetic lubricants are based on poly- alphaolefin (PAO) fluids and sulphur/phosphorus Extreme Pressure (EP) additive technology providing good thermal stability and high load carrying capacity. Application The Alphasyn EP range have been formulated for use in all types of enclosed gears including heavy and shock-loaded gears and bearings where EP properties are required. They are suitable for use in gear boxes where micro-pitting resistance is required and for a wide range of applications in extreme environments, for example mining and quarrying, marine applications and paper production.
发布人: 上海派奇奥工贸有限公司
工业润滑油 市场分析 嘉实多 2
SMR MEDIUM SMR HEAVY CLEAR ASMR MEDIUM* ASMR HEAVY* Density @ 20°C 0,949 0,914 0,952 0,995 Viscosity @ 40°C (mm2/s) 1205 1925 1 228 11450 Viscosity @ 100°C (mm2/s) 50,5 126,0 50,5 167,0 VIE 84 160 83 74 Colour Black Red/Green Black Black Pour Point (°C) 0 6 0 +12 Flash Point CCC (°C) 250 212 254 256 Bitumen Yes Nil Yes Yes Compounding Yes Yes Yes Yes EP Additives Yes Yes Yes  下一产品: Castrol Alpha SMR HEAVY X 返回
发布人: 上海派奇奥工贸有限公司
工业润滑油 市场分析 嘉实多 6
SMR MEDIUM SMR HEAVY CLEAR ASMR MEDIUM* ASMR HEAVY* Density @ 20°C 0,949 0,914 0,952 0,995 Viscosity @ 40°C (mm2/s) 1205 1925 1 228 11450 Viscosity @ 100°C (mm2/s) 50,5 126,0 50,5 167,0 VIE 84 160 83 74 Colour Black Red/Green Black Black Pour Point (°C) 0 6 0 +12 Flash Point CCC (°C) 250 212 254 256 Bitumen Yes Nil Yes Yes Compounding Yes Yes Yes Yes EP Additives Yes Yes Yes
发布人: 上海派奇奥工贸有限公司
工业润滑油 市场分析 嘉实多 3
SMR MEDIUM SMR HEAVY CLEAR ASMR MEDIUM* ASMR HEAVY* Density @ 20°C 0,949 0,914 0,952 0,995 Viscosity @ 40°C (mm2/s) 1205 1925 1 228 11450 Viscosity @ 100°C (mm2/s) 50,5 126,0 50,5 167,0 VIE 84 160 83 74 Colour Black Red/Green Black Black Pour Point (°C) 0 6 0 +12 Flash Point CCC (°C) 250 212 254 256 Bitumen Yes Nil Yes Yes Compounding Yes Yes Yes Yes EP Additives Yes Yes Yes
发布人: 上海派奇奥工贸有限公司
工业润滑油 市场分析 嘉实多 2
SMR MEDIUM SMR HEAVY CLEAR ASMR MEDIUM* ASMR HEAVY* Density @ 20°C 0,949 0,914 0,952 0,995 Viscosity @ 40°C (mm2/s) 1205 1925 1 228 11450 Viscosity @ 100°C (mm2/s) 50,5 126,0 50,5 167,0 VIE 84 160 83 74 Colour Black Red/Green Black Black Pour Point (°C) 0 6 0 +12 Flash Point CCC (°C) 250 212 254 256 Bitumen Yes Nil Yes Yes Compounding Yes Yes Yes Yes EP Additives Yes
发布人: 上海派奇奥工贸有限公司
工业润滑油 市场分析 嘉实多 5
SMR MEDIUM SMR HEAVY CLEAR ASMR MEDIUM* ASMR HEAVY* Density @ 20°C 0,949 0,914 0,952 0,995 Viscosity @ 40°C (mm2/s) 1205 1925 1 228 11450 Viscosity @ 100°C (mm2/s) 50,5 126,0 50,5 167,0 VIE 84 160 83 74 Colour Black Red/Green Black Black Pour Point (°C) 0 6 0 +12 Flash Point CCC (°C) 250 212 254 256 Bitumen Yes Nil Yes Yes Compounding Yes Yes Yes Yes EP Additives Yes Yes Yes
发布人: 上海派奇奥工贸有限公司
工业润滑油 市场分析 嘉实多 4
Castrol ILOFRM BWN 260K 成型油 密度@15℃ g/ml 粘度cst 40℃ 闪点(PMCC)℃ 颜色 Castrol ILOFRM BWN 260K 7.5 9.5 1.75 半透明 半透明乳状液的合成冲压润滑油。特别适合于磁性板的冲裁。该产品不含硼、氯和硫。 适用材料:磁性材料。
发布人: 上海派奇奥工贸有限公司
工业润滑油 市场分析 嘉实多 7
Castrol ILOFRM BWN 260K 成型油 密度@15℃ g/ml 粘度cst 40℃ 闪点(PMCC)℃ 颜色 Castrol ILOFRM BWN 260K 7.5 9.5 1.75 半透明 半透明乳状液的合成冲压润滑油。特别适合于磁性板的冲裁。该产品不含硼、氯和硫。 适用材料:磁性材料。
发布人: 上海派奇奥工贸有限公司
工业润滑油 市场分析 嘉实多 4
Castrol 成型油 ILOFRM TDN 87 成型油 密度@15℃ g/ml 粘度cst 40℃ 闪点(PMCC)℃ 颜色 ILOFRM TDN 87 1.03(20℃) 58-71 ?200 黄色 高度氯化、高粘度的冲压油,含有中性脂肪及低芳香烃的精炼矿物油,有助于提高冷拉及冷镦工序的金属流动性。此外,本产品含有一种特制添加剂,使得加工后的工件可以用水进行清洗。 适用材料:不锈钢,耐热钢和镍铬钛耐热合金。
发布人: 上海派奇奥工贸有限公司
工业润滑油 市场分析 嘉实多 2
Castrol 成型油 ILOFRM TDN 86 成型油 密度@15℃ g/ml 粘度cst 40℃ 闪点(PMCC)℃ 颜色 ILOFRM TDN 86 1.35 - ?200 棕色粘稠 石灰及氯化长链石蜡基的膏状特制拉管冲压油。 适用材料:不锈钢和镍铬钛耐热合金。
发布人: 上海派奇奥工贸有限公司
工业润滑油 市场分析 嘉实多 1


发布人: 上海灵淮润滑油有限公司
工业润滑油 市场分析 -- 12
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